Banana Muffins (For 6 jumbo size muffins or 12 medium size muffins)
For the muffins
225g of flour
12g of baking powder
4g salt
7 small ripe bananas (represent about 350g of banana (without skin))
150g of castor sugar
1 large egg
90g of melted margarine
30ml of vanilla essence ('Robbson' brand)
For the muffins' crust topping
20g brown sugar - Large granules (refer photo step 9)
60g flour
25g margarine or butter
2g of Vanilla powder (you can replace by 2g of cardamom or cinnamon powder)
Step 1 : In your mixing bowl, add your flour, salt, baking powder and mix well together.

Step 2: Mash your bananas (peeled) using a fork

Step 3 : To your mashed bananas, add your melted margarine, large egg and castor sugar.

Step 4: Mix everything together using your hand whisk !

Step 5: Add your flour/ baking powder/ salt mixture from step 1 to your banana mixture and mix until everything is combined (do not overmix). Then add your vanilla essence, perform a final quick mix and voila, your banana muffin batter is ready !
Tip: It is very important not to overmix any cake batter (unless you are doing a sponge cake ) including muffins firstly to avoid adding too much air into the batter which would cause large cracks to form when baking and secondly to avoid activating/ creating too much gluten which would cause your muffins to have a rubbery texture instead of a soft and crumbly texture !.

Step 6: Use anything that fits your muffin pan (I used my large black pepper grinder ) to prepare the muffin liners using baking paper as below .
Note: You may also use Tulip muffin liners available in most hypermarkets ...

Step 7: Fill your liners (75%) with your banana muffin batter !
Note: The batter is actually quite thick and will rise during baking ...

Step 8 (preparing the muffins' crust topping): In a bowl add your pastry flour and butter (or margarine) and mix until you obtain a uniform mixture as below (right).

Step 9: Add your vanilla powder and brown sugar (large granules type) and perform a final mix to obtain your crust topping mixture !

Step 10: Add some crust topping mixture on top of each and every of your muffins

Step 11: Ready for baking ! Bake your muffins in a preheated oven at 175 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes or until a wooden skewer comes out clean when inserted in the center of any muffin.

Step 12: Out of oven, Hot Hot Hot !
Make yourself some tea or coffee and Bon Appetit !!!
Hmmmmmm !!!
Do not forget to pack some muffins for sharing with Love !
