For the tart base dough
160 gm flour
80 gm margarine
60g sugar
2g salt
10 ml vanilla essence (Robson alcohol-free brand)
For the filling
80 gm margarine
60 gm sugar
1 egg
80 gm ground almonds
30 g flour
15 ml almond essence (Robson - Alcohol free brand)
15-16 dried dates
55 g apricot or peach jam (prefer sugar free or sugar reduced types)
Step 1 (preparing tart base dough): Mix margarine, flour, sugar and salt until a uniform pale yellow color is obtained.
Step 2: Add the vanilla essence then mix until you obtain a consistent non sticky final dough (you can mix with your hand or a robo mixer using the 'dough hook' accessory)
Step 3: Flatten your dough using your rolling pin over a piece of aluminium foil (the later should be slightly larger than you tart mold) with thickness about 0.5cm.
Step 4: Turn your aluminium foil with your rolled dough upside down over the tart mold, allow it to fall into the later and position accordingly.
Step 5 (preparing tart filling): Using preferably an electric mixer, mix the margarine, sugar, egg, ground almonds, flour and almond essence together until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Step 6: Prick the bottom of the tart base generously with a fork or toothpick to prevent it from puffing up while baking and then spread evenly your filling over your tart base using your silicon spatula.
Step 7: Cut your Dates in two and remove the seeds. Then position them over your filling as per your favourite pattern !...
Step 8: In a preheated oven, bake your tart at 175 degrees celsius for about 30 minutes.
Tip: Careful, different ovens have got different settings. If you see your tart surface becoming brown too quickly (~15 minutes), reduce the temperature by 10 degrees celsius or turn your oven heat source setting to the bottom heater only (recommended).
Step 9: Once baked and cooled, glaze your tart with your peach/apricot jam for that special glaze and color using your silicon brush !..
Step 10: Pack your tart if you are going to give it as a present else make a good cup of tea and enjoy with a piece of your tart. Don`t forget to always share with good heart..
Good luck !